Friday, February 18, 2011

February 18, 2011 Gretna Christian Church Anniversary

Gretna Christian Church
Minister: Reverend Dwight Mays
111 Leftwich Street
Gretna, Virginia
Mailing Address: Post Office Box 644 Gretna, Virginia 24577

I found the following in the Chesapeake Evangelist Magazine 1938

State Evangelist Served 36 years

H. D. Coffey, State Evangelist of Virginia, retired from active service on April 30. He had worked for the Virginia State Board since March 1, 1902. During the 36 years he held more than 400 revival meetings, organized a number of churches and youth groups, donated more than 7,000 copies of the Bible or New Testament, and led in erecting more than 30 church buildings.
Mr. Coffey states that he will continue to preach for free-will offerings as long as possible. He is nearly 77 years old, but still active. He has just published a book, describing his many experiences, and illustrated with 10 pictures.


H.D. Coffey Retires

After more than thirty-five years in consecutive service as evangelist under the Virginia Christian Missionary Society, H. D. Coffey retired from this service on April 30th. No man ever served more faithfully nor touched more lives for God than has this faithful servant of the Kingdom. The State Board regrets that his years prevent him from carrying full time service. The Board is recommending to the convention that a reasonable pension be paid Brother Coffey and that he continue to do such evangelistic work as his strength may permit.

This retirement from the State Board’s service does not mean that he has retired from his ministry. On his own initiative he will plan and conduct such meetings as he chooses. In such a relationship he may continue for many years, telling the story that he loves so well.
Brother Coffey has produced a book, his autobiography, which is just off the press, in which he presents a small part of his many achievements as State evangelist. It is impossible for even him to tell the whole story. He organized scores of churches, directed the building of probably fifty “meeting houses”, raising thousands of dollars for these enterprises, turned many young men to the ministry, and led thousands to accept Christ and Savior. In practically every town and city church, to say nothing about the many rural churches, there are persons leading in the work of the Kingdom, who were gripped for God by this great servant of the Kingdom.

We love and honor him for what he is and for his complete surrender to the services of his Lord. May God rest him and still use him for the glory of his Kingdom.

It was during this service with the Virginia State Board that he helped found Gretna Christian Church. In the next few days I will be blogging stories written about the beginning of Gretna Christian Church which were written by Reverend H. D. Coffey.

I would like to thank the Historical Society of The Disciples of Christ. Without their kind help I would not have found this information.

Remember anyone that checks in please feel free to comment or contribute. My e-mail is

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