Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Gretna Christian Church 100th Anniversary Cookbook

The Christian Women's Fellowship of the Gretna Christian Church have compiled a cookbook which they are selling.  The Cookbook in in recognition of the 100th Anniversary of the Church.

It is dedicated as follows:

Gretna Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) was established in 1911.  Throughout its 100 year history, the women of the church have helped to provide for the physical and spiritual needs of the church and its members.

It was not until 1948 that the women of the church united and became the Christian Women's Fellowship (CWF), as we know it today.  The CWF has continued to comfort and assist those in need, as well as strengthen the church and contribute to its success.

We dedicate this recipe book to those who have paved the way through these 100 years and beyond.  We honor the service of those  now passed on, those presently serving, and those who will serve in the future to continue God's work through the Christian Women's Fellowship.

We wish to express our appreciation and gratitude to everyone whose cooperation helped to make this cookbook possible.

We hope you will use and enjoy these favorite family recipes collected by the CWF, and that they will become favorites of your family as well.

Mark E. Poole  photos
Disciples of Christ Historical Society 

Gretna Christian Church
Atha Bailey
Linda Dalton

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