Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Gretna Christian Church 100th Anniversary
Minister:  Dwight Mays
111 Leftwich Street
Gretna, Virginia
Mailing Address: Post Office Box 644 Gretna, Virginia 24557

In Pittsylvania County Circuit Court Clerk's Office Deed Book 156 page 91 dated February 27, 1918 from D. V. Adams and his wife, S. L. Adams to A. B. Hodges, John Ramsey, W. D. Love, D. V. Adams and William Crawley, trustees for Gretna Christian Church  giving the lot or parcel of land in which the Christian Church in Gretna was located when destroyed by the storm in 1917.  This is a part of the land deeded by E. E. Bouldin to D. V. Adams in August of 19th, 1911 and recorded in Deed Book 136 page 167.  It goes on to describe the property by markers.  Said land to be used on which to rebuild the Christian church and to use it as a place of worship forever.  But should the church be abandoned as a place of worship the land reverts to A. B. Hodges who donated it, but the buildings will be the property of the Christian Church to remove or to sell to be removed at the discretion of the Trustees and members of the Church.  This deed superseded the deed recorded in yesterday's blog which was at Deed Book 154 page 244 and all other contracts between same parties to this date.  This deed was signed by D. V. Adams and S. L. Adams and recorded on March 4, 1918.

At this time, I do not have a copy of the deed recorded at Deed Book 136 page 167.  The trustees in 1917 were A. B. Hodges, John Ramsey, W.D. Love, D.V.Adams and William Crawley.  In the coming months, I hope to have information on these gentlemen and the trustees on the deed recorded in 1911.  I would think that these men as trustees in 1911 would have been charter members of the church.

If anyone has family members that would care to contribute information on the above men, please contact me.  I am still looking for information on B. F. Sublett.  As you know from Mr. Coffee's article on the building of the church he was probably Gretna's first paid minister.  Mr. Coffey said, "A good, large Bible school has been organized, Standard literature ordered, B. F. Sublett, who is a good preacher as well as a splendid singer, employed to preach for them, and the prospects were very bright for them."

Tomorrow I will continue with the rebuilding of the church in 1928.

Thank you to:

Mark E. Poole  photos
Disciples of Christ Historical Society 
Gretna Christian Church
My Life With God by H. D. Coffey
Pittsylvania County Circuit Court Clerk's Office

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