Monday, March 21, 2011

Gretna Christian Church Additions and Changes

Gretna Christian Church 100th Anniversary
Minister:  Dwight Mays
111 Leftwich Street
Gretna, Virginia
Mailing Address: Post Office Box 644 Gretna, Virginia 24557

There have been many changes to the Church since it was rebuilt in 1928.  Below is a picture of the church before the 1930s.

In the 1930's the church was enlarged and class rooms added.  Due to wonderful donations of labor a basement was scooped out and a furnace was added.  The church was remodeled in the 1950's and the stained glass windows that I have been displaying on this post were added.  The Church congregation gave the stained glass window for Reverend H. D. Coffey and different families gave the other windows as memorials.  A baptistry was also added and restrooms were built in the basement.

In 1953 a parsonage was added in the back of the church and in 1954, the grounds were beautified by a sod lawn.  The above picture was taken in the 1960's.

In October of 1963, an education and fellowship building was added  to the right of the church.  In 1982, an extra lot was added to the church property.  With the addition of the lot, the fellowship building was enlarged and remodeled.

In 1986, a steeple was added to the church and in 1999 the parking lot was paved due to the generous gift of Edna Love in the memory of Dan Love.  Below is a picture of the church as it looks today.

Thank you to:

Mark E. Poole  photos
Disciples of Christ Historical Society 
Gretna Christian Church
Atha Bailey
Some of the above was taken from 2001 Church Directory Section "Our History".

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